The Kingdom Purpose Coaching
Online Community
Kingdom Purpose Coaching is a faith based online mentoring/coaching community
designed to help you identify your God-given purpose, and define practical steps you
can take to move forward in that purpose.
At Kingdom Purpose Coaching we have 3 goals for you:
1. Know your purpose with confidence
2. Discover practical ways to live out your calling in all areas of your life
3. Grow spiritual resulting in a broader impact for God's Kingdom.
What's Included?
Weekly trainings
Monthly live Q & A
Access to the Kickstart Your Kingdom Purpose e-course
Prayer support and occasional personal ministry
Guest speakers
& More
Think Kingdom Purpose Coaching might be for you?​
I think I know what you're thinking...
Look, I've been where you are. Actually, it's why we are created this program. In the summer of 2013 we were getting ready to make a HUGE faith step in our life. We felt like we received a calling from God, got ready to move cities to pursue this new life, and relentlessly scoured the internet looking for people who were doing what we felt called to do...without much luck.
After hours of googling we came up with a short list of 3 people who seemed to be doing something similar, none of whom had any resources we could glean from. What do you do when you want direction but direction just can't be found? You move forward anyway!
We learned the hard way. We pressed in and the Holy Spirit led us in powerful ways, but the process was slower than it needed to be. Do you want to know why? Because we did not have anyone to learn from. We had to make our own mistakes to learn from.
What we would have given to have something like Kingdom Purpose Coaching in our lives back then! Here is the good news, while we didn't have that opportunity YOU DO! We have literally created what we needed so you can go further faster.
Does this mean KPC (Kingdom Purpose Coaching) will prevent you from making your own mistakes? We wish, but no. We are confident you will have your own learning to do, but this time you will have people to process those mistakes with. People who understand that challenges pursuing a higher calling can bring. You will have a support system to encourage you to stop counter-productive processes. You will have a support system to inspire you to dream bigger, reach farther, and watch God move in and through your life.
Maybe this sounds too good to be true, but it's not. Between the two of us we have helped so many people build great families, launch into dynamic ministries, and build six-figure businesses. Our biggest question is not whether you should join us in KPC; it's what will God do through your life once you do?